Small pets hotel

Small pets hotel

While going on a vacation or a business trip, we always ask ourselves who will take care of our beloved exotic pet. This is especially important if your pet has a chronic disease or acute medical condition that requires a caregiver with veterinary knowledge and experience.

Instead of asking a friend for help or relying on an exotic pet sitter, the Vets & Pets Vet Clinic offers affordable, safe and convenient veterinary care for your pet. Our experienced staff treats each pet staying at our hotel individually. Any special health needs such as medication administration, food preparation and exercise will be confirmed with you at the time of your pet’s transfer to the hotel.

You can bring your own pet food and also order it from our clinic. Toys and personal belongings are greatly appreciated to help your pet spend their time apart as much as possible.

The hotel is dedicated to small exotic animals.

Locations where the service is available: